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Until the synapses burst

Wel­come to Madcap Movies, where sanity takes a back­seat and the extraordinary reigns. Explore a realm of mind-bending won­ders, where bizarre con­cepts and breath­taking visuals col­lide. Join our com­munity of daring cinephiles who embrace the uncon­ven­tional.

Atten­tion: This web­site con­tains con­tro­ver­sial and explicit con­tent. If you are under 18 or easily offended, this site may not be the right place for you.

Madcap Movies features movies like

Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse
The Cabin in the Woods
The Machine Girl
Rise of the Machine Girls
Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead
The Killing Tree

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Movie poetry that sticks

Jim: Okay, Ron, take off your sweater.
Ron: [off camera] I’m not wearing a sweater.
Jim: Okay, and… action.

A quote from the movie “One-Eyed Mon­ster

Latest movie entries in database

There's Something In the Barn Backdrop
There's Something In the Barn
April 1st. 2024
There’s Some­thing In the Barn
A family inherits a cot­tage in Norway and dis­covers sin­ister secrets in the barn. Dis­cover what lurks in the dark.
Click for details on “There’s Some­thing In the Barn”
Prisoners of the Ghostland
Prisoners of the Ghostland
January 3rd. 2024
Pris­oners of the Ghost­land
In the dan­gerous fron­tier town of Samurai Town, an unscru­pu­lous bank robber is freed by the powerful war­lord The Gov­ernor in order to find his kid­napped grand­daughter. Wearing a self-destructive suit, he embarks on a journey of redemp­tion.
Click for details on “Pris­oners of the Ghost­land”
Santa Jaws
Santa Jaws
December 3rd. 2023
Santa Jaws
Immerse your­self in the whim­sical world of ‘Santa Jaws’ (2018), where an inno­cent wish cre­ates a bloodthirsty Christmas shark!
Click for details on “Santa Jaws”
Dave Made a Maze
Dave Made a Maze
October 29th. 2023
Dave Made a Maze
Strug­gling artist trapped in own fort’s fant­ast­ical chaos; rescue mis­sion becomes super­nat­ural night­mare.
Click for details on “Dave Made a Maze”
Funky Forest: The First Contact
Funky Forest: The First Contact
October 2nd. 2023
Funky Forest: The First Con­tact
A wild mix of sur­real, brief non-sequiturs, mostly centered on Guitar Brother, his lustful older sib­ling, and their chubby Caucasian brother.
Click for details on “Funky Forest: The First Con­tact”
Murder Party
Murder Party
September 16th. 2023
Murder Party
Join Chris at a bizarre, mur­derous Hal­loween art party in the darkly humorous indie horror movie, ‘Murder Party’.
Click for details on “Murder Party”

Latest movie entries in database

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