“Slotherhouse” (2023) takes audiences into an extraordinary world where young Emily Young, played by Lisa Ambalavanar, decides to adopt a cute three-toed sloth named Alpha in order to win the election for president of her sorority, Sigma Lambda Theta (SLTH). The story takes a dark turn when Alpha begins mysteriously killing members of the sorority, putting Emily and her sorority sisters in a desperate situation where they must fight for their survival.
The centrepiece of “Slotherhouse” is the character of Alpha the sloth, who is portrayed as an extremely resourceful opponent despite his slow movements. From playing dodge ball to relaxing with a cocktail, Alpha displays an impressive variety of activities that are in direct contrast to her role as the killer. The use of practical puppetry to portray Alpha enhances both the humour and discomfort she generates. Her ability to show human emotions such as anger through facial expressions and the quirky scenes of her taking selfies before her murders or driving a car to reach her next victim drive the absurd plot forward.
Overall, “Slotherhouse” presents itself as a wild ride through the horror-comedy film genre, making audiences laugh and cringe in equal measure, aided by a mixture of quirky ideas, unexpected twists and a critical examination of current social issues.