“Machete” is an action-packed film from 2010 directed by Robert Rodriguez. The film is characterised by its over-the-top depiction of violence and its insane ideas. The story revolves around the titular character Machete Cortez, who is a former Mexican federal agent and now a merciless lone wolf.
The film opens with a spectacular scene in which Machete survives a brutal attack and then vows revenge. The plot quickly develops into a twisted conspiracy involving corrupt politicians, drug lords and a fanatical anti-immigration activist.
One of the most striking scenes in the film is undoubtedly the one in which Machete launches a bloody vendetta. He slaughters his enemies with his iconic machete, using the most bizarre tools as weapons, such as a rocket launcher disguised as a rifle. The depiction of violence is exaggerated and explicit, making the film a real feast for fans of the B‑movie genre.
Another highlight is the hitwoman Luz, played by Michelle Rodriguez, who leads a revolutionary group of immigrants. She is a strong and fearless fighter who captures the hearts of the audience with her skills and sarcastic nature.
The film’s crazy ideas manifest themselves in the countless bizarre characters, such as the crazed drug lord Torrez (played by Steven Seagal), who acts as a combat master, and the manipulative and eccentric politician McLaughlin (played by Robert De Niro).
“Machete” is a film that polarises with its unconventional approach and its exaggeration of violence and characters. It combines elements of the exploitation film with a political message, delivering a satirical critique of the United States’ immigration policy.