Christmas Bloody Christmas is a Christmas horror film directed by Joe Begos that crosses Terminator with Santa Claus. It’s Christmas Eve and Tori Tooms, a record store owner, actually wants to spend the holidays reconciling with her boyfriend. But her plan is thwarted when a murderous robot Father Christmas comes to town and wreaks havoc. Tori and her boyfriend must team up with a group of survivors to stop the mechanical mass murderer before he kills everyone.
The film is a tribute to the b‑movies of the 80s and offers many crazy ideas and absurd scenes. For example, there is a chase between the robot Santa and a reindeer sleigh, a scene where Tori turns a record shop into a fortress, and a scene where the robot Santa uses a Christmas tree as a weapon. The film is full of black humour, splatter effects and references to other horror films. Christmas Bloody Christmas is a film for fans of the trashy horror genre who don’t mind a bloody Christmas.