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Turbo Kid

In a post-apocalyptic wasteland in 1997, a devoted aficionado of comic books takes on the mantle of his beloved hero to rescue his zealous comrade and combat a tyrannical overlord.

Turbo Kid

Details of 'Turbo Kid'

93 minutes
2.35 : 1

About 'Turbo Kid'

The 2015 film “Turbo Kid” is a post-apo­ca­lyptic action comedy set in a dysto­pian future. The film tells the story of a young boy known as Turbo Kid who lives in a des­olate desert land­scape. He is an avid col­lector of comic books and dreams of being a real super­hero.

One day Turbo Kid meets a mys­ter­ious young woman named Apple, who quickly becomes his ally and friend. Together they must fight off the tyr­an­nical leader Zeus and his army of henchmen. In the pro­cess, they benefit from their unex­pected super­hero powers, which Turbo Kid has developed due to his intense comic book know­ledge.

What sets “Turbo Kid” apart from other post-apo­ca­lyptic films are the absurd and lun­atic ideas built into the plot. The makers of the film do not take them­selves too ser­i­ously and rely on a mix­ture of viol­ence, humour and nos­talgia. One of the cra­ziest ideas is cer­tainly the use of bicycles as the main means of trans­port in this future world. Instead of using cars or motor­bikes, the char­ac­ters ride around on mod­i­fied bicycles equipped with weapons.

Another crazy ele­ment of the film is the char­ac­ters them­selves. Zeus, the tyr­an­nical leader, wears a strange metal mask and has a pen­chant for the­at­rical vil­lainy. Apple, Turbo Kid’s com­panion, is a naïve and lov­able girl with a some­what pecu­liar fond­ness for pink clothes and sun­flowers. The por­trayal of these char­ac­ters adds an extra dose of whimsy to the film and makes for unex­pected comic moments.

The action sequences in “Turbo Kid” are also impressive. They are bloody and brutal, but presented in an exag­ger­ated and humorous way. The viol­ence is often spiced with a pinch of black humour, making the film a mix­ture of splatter and comedy.

Random movie quote of 'Turbo Kid'

The Kid: You want to see something cool?
Apple: I always want to see something cool.

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