“Sausage Party” is a 2016 animated film conceived as a madcap comedy. Produced by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, the film presents a world where food has a consciousness of its own and hopes for its moment of “redemptive” permission to be picked up from the supermarket and taken home by people.
The story revolves around a group of foodstuffs, including the optimistic sausage Frank, the sexy bun Brenda, the Jewish bagel Sammy, the Muslim flatbread Lavash and many others. They all live on the shelves of the supermarket, believing that once people buy them they will enter some kind of paradise. But when Frank and Brenda accidentally witness a terrible accident and realise that people are actually consuming the food, they desperately try to warn their friends.
The film is notable for its whimsical and provocative ideas. One of the central ideas is the personification of food, which has feelings and needs like humans. Stereotypes and prejudices are addressed in a humorous way, for example through the characters’ different religious views and their conflicts. The dialogue and jokes are often crude and politically incorrect, making the film a parody of various aspects of society and culture.
In addition, the film introduces absurd-comic elements by alienating objects and situations. For example, a crazy drug reference is incorporated in which a marijuana smoking utensil becomes a kind of oracle. Sexual innuendo and explicit depictions are also used to enhance the comedy. These crazy ideas serve to make the audience laugh and at the same time make them think about the absurdities of life.