Sausage Party

Frank assumes the role of a leader, guiding a diverse assemblage of supermarket products on an extraordinary odyssey to uncover the enigma of their existence and unravel the secrets shrouding their ultimate fate once they are selected for departure from the grocery store.

Sausage Party

Details of 'Sausage Party'

United States
89 minutes
1.85 : 1

About 'Sausage Party'

“Sausage Party” is a 2016 anim­ated film con­ceived as a madcap comedy. Pro­duced by Seth Rogen and Evan Gold­berg, the film presents a world where food has a con­scious­ness of its own and hopes for its moment of “redemptive” per­mis­sion to be picked up from the super­market and taken home by people.

The story revolves around a group of food­stuffs, including the optim­istic sausage Frank, the sexy bun Brenda, the Jewish bagel Sammy, the Muslim flat­bread Lavash and many others. They all live on the shelves of the super­market, believing that once people buy them they will enter some kind of para­dise. But when Frank and Brenda acci­dent­ally wit­ness a ter­rible acci­dent and realise that people are actu­ally con­suming the food, they des­per­ately try to warn their friends.

The film is not­able for its whim­sical and pro­voc­ative ideas. One of the central ideas is the per­son­i­fic­a­tion of food, which has feel­ings and needs like humans. Ste­reo­types and pre­ju­dices are addressed in a humorous way, for example through the char­ac­ters’ dif­ferent reli­gious views and their con­flicts. The dia­logue and jokes are often crude and polit­ic­ally incor­rect, making the film a parody of various aspects of society and cul­ture.

In addi­tion, the film intro­duces absurd-comic ele­ments by ali­en­ating objects and situ­ations. For example, a crazy drug ref­er­ence is incor­por­ated in which a marijuana smoking utensil becomes a kind of oracle. Sexual innu­endo and explicit depic­tions are also used to enhance the comedy. These crazy ideas serve to make the audi­ence laugh and at the same time make them think about the absurdities of life.

Random movie quote of 'Sausage Party'

Pop Bottle: You ready for this?
Geronimints: I don't know.
Pop Bottle: It's better to die a free candy than to live in bondage.
[opens a bottle cap]
Geronimints: This is gonna hurt so fucking much.

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