Samurai Princess

After witnessing the brutal rape and murder of her 11 friends, Samurai Princess Aino Kishi becomes an android infused with their spirits. Together with her human partner Dai Mizuno, they seek vengeance in a gory adventure filled with breast grenades, detachable chainsaw limbs, and deadly guitar riffs.

Samurai Princess

Details of 'Samurai Princess'

82 minutes
1.78 : 1

About 'Samurai Princess'

“Samurai Prin­cess” is a Japanese splatter film from 2009 that fits into the genre of gore films. The film was dir­ected by Kengo Kaji and tells the story of a samurai prin­cess who is trans­formed into a cyber­netic body after her cruel death and sets out on a bloody quest for revenge.

The film is char­ac­ter­ised by its extraordin­arily absurd and insane ideas, often in the realm of the bizarre and super­nat­ural. One of the first crazy ideas is the intro­duc­tion of the samurai prin­cess her­self: She is a cyber­netic being assembled from the body parts of various humans. Her head is on a mech­an­ical body with unique weapons and abil­ities.

Another mad idea is the pres­ence of mech­an­ical zom­bies cre­ated by an unscru­pu­lous sci­entist. These zombie creatures have blades instead of arms and fight against the samurai prin­cess. The bloody fights and extreme depic­tions of viol­ence are char­ac­ter­istic of the film and con­tribute to the grot­esque atmo­sphere.

Also not­able is the idea of a meat farm where humans are bred and used for various pur­poses. This cruel idea illus­trates the dark and dis­turbing world in which the samurai prin­cess moves.

Fur­ther­more, themes such as revenge, loss and the search for iden­tity are also dealt with in “Samurai Prin­cess”. The main char­acter has to con­front her own past and call to account those who have caused her suf­fering. These themes give the film a cer­tain emo­tional depth, which is, how­ever, often over­shad­owed by the abstruse and grot­esque ele­ments of the film.

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