“Murder Party” is a 2007 independent horror film written and directed by Jeremy Saulnier. The plot of the film revolves around a lonely, shy man named Chris who accidentally finds an invitation to a supposed Halloween party in New York City. Without much expectation, he decides to attend.
The story takes a surprising turn when Chris arrives at the venue and discovers that it is not an ordinary Halloween party. Instead, it is an extremely bizarre and murderous “art” event where a group of eccentric artists have decided to kill a human being in order to realise their creative vision.
The film’s most absurd scenes feature the bizarre characters and their strange ideas about art. The artists have absurd costumes and grotesque ideas about how they will murder Chris to create their “masterpiece”. This leads to a series of ludicrous situations in which Chris desperately tries to escape the artists and save his life.
One particularly memorable scene in Murder Party revolves around the electric chainsaw used as a murder tool by one of the artists. The scene is a highlight of the film and sums up the absurdity of the situation. In the process, the short cable of the chainsaw ensures that the murderer has to keep looking for an outlet, which spices up the scene with an additional dose of absurd humour.
“Murder Party” is characterised by black humour and a satirical portrayal of the art scene. The absurd elements of the film, such as the bizarre death traps and the absurd dialogue of the characters, make for an unconventional and entertaining experience. The film cleverly plays with the audience’s expectations and questions how far people would go to fulfil their artistic ambitions.