Press kit

Wel­come to our press area! Here we provide journ­al­ists, editors and media rep­res­ent­at­ives with high-quality text and image material that you are free to use for your edit­orial pur­poses. We are pleased to provide you with inform­a­tion and visual resources to sup­port your cov­erage of our com­pany.



Before down­loading any mater­ials, please make sure you have read and accept our terms of use.

Image material

Madcap Mobies Logo

Madcap Movies main logo

This is the main logo of Madcap Movies. We recom­mend to use this logo for your press release. The ZIP file con­tains a trans­parent and a grunge back­ground ver­sion in high print res­ol­u­tion.

Madcap Movies Logo (Desktop Version)

Madcap Movies horizontal logo

This is the hori­zontal logo of Madcap Movies. Best use for hori­zontal lay­outs. The ZIP file con­tains a trans­parent and a black back­ground ver­sion in high print res­ol­u­tion.

Madcap Movies Logo (Cassette Logo) 250px

Madcap Movies icon logo/signet

This is the icon logo/signet of Madcap Movies. This icon logo/signet has addi­tional white out­lines. The ZIP file con­tains a trans­parent and a black back­ground ver­sion in high print res­ol­u­tion.

Text material

Official Madcap Movies press kit

This is the offi­cial press kit of Madcap Movies. The ZIP file con­tains a Word doc­u­ment and a PDF that offers all neces­sary inform­a­tion about Madcap Movies.

Terms of use:

Free use: The text and images provided here may be used for edit­orial pur­poses without spe­cific per­mis­sion or roy­al­ties.

Credit: We ask that when using our material, you include a credit that references/links to our com­pany. A simple note such as “Source: Madcap Movies” is suf­fi­cient.

Adapt­a­tions: You may edit the material provided to suit your edit­orial con­text, but sig­ni­ficant changes should be avoided to pre­serve the authen­ti­city and accuracy of the inform­a­tion.

Com­mer­cial use: Please note that the material provided may only be used for edit­orial pur­poses. Any com­mer­cial use requires sep­arate written per­mis­sion.

Image material:

Our image gal­lery fea­tures a variety of high-res­ol­u­tion images show­casing our com­pany, products, events and team mem­bers. Please note that all images are copy­right pro­tected and may only be used for edit­orial pur­poses.

Text material:

In our text archive you will find press releases, com­pany descrip­tions and other rel­evant texts that can help you in the pre­par­a­tion of your reports. You are free to use these texts and adapt them to your needs.

Download instructions:

Click on the desired image or text.
Select the option “Save image as…” or “Copy text”.
Paste the proof note into your pub­lic­a­tion in accord­ance with the terms of use.
Thank you for your interest in our cov­erage and please do not hes­itate to con­tact us for fur­ther inform­a­tion or enquiries. If you have any ques­tions or spe­cial require­ments, simply con­tact us by email.

We look for­ward to sup­porting you in your journ­al­istic work and providing you with high-quality material.