“Zombin Laden – The Axis of Evil Dead” is a zombie comedy that presents an alternative story in which the late Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is resurrected as a zombie. The film plays with absurd ideas and offers a mixture of horror, comedy and political satire.
The film’s storyline revolves around a group of unconventional heroes who band together to save the world from the threat of the zombie-like bin Laden. Led by a dorky ex-Marine traumatised after a failed mission in Iraq, the team recruits a motley crew of characters, including an eccentric scientist who has developed an antidote to the zombie virus and a tough but lovable female zombie hunter.
In addition, the film uses political satire to parody the global conflicts and tensions of the real world. It asks what would happen if one of the most well-known figures of terrorism returned as a zombie and how this would affect international politics. The film also takes some artistic liberties by depicting historical events and people in an exaggerated and humorous context.