“Wyrmwood: Apocalypse” is an Australian zombie action film that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world. The film follows siblings Barry and Brooke as they try to survive while an unexplained plague turns people into bloodthirsty undead. Barry is a gifted mechanic and Brooke is a fierce woman who join forces with a group of survivors to take on the zombie hordes.
What sets “Wyrmwood: Apocalypse” apart from other zombie films are the crazy ideas woven into the plot. One of these ideas is the connection between petrol and zombie blood. Barry discovers that the blood of zombies can be used as fuel for vehicles. Through this discovery, he modifies his vehicle to fit it with a special device that uses the zombie blood as an energy source. This absurd-sounding idea adds a unique touch to the film and opens up new possibilities for fighting the zombies.
Another crazy idea is the introduction of telepathic abilities. Some of the survivors develop the ability to communicate with each other over long distances and exchange information. This gift proves extremely useful in the fight against the zombies, as it allows the characters to coordinate more effectively and warn each other. Although telepathic abilities do not appear in most zombie films, they add an interesting dimension to “Wyrmwood: Apocalypse”.
Furthermore, the use of improvised weapons stands out. The characters use everything at their disposal to fight the zombies. From junk shotguns with barbed wire to burning chainsaws, no object is too outlandish to use as a weapon. These creative ideas add a certain originality to the action scenes and make for exciting and unusual fights.