“The Void” is a 2016 Canadian horror film directed by Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski. The story revolves around a small group of people who are besieged by an eerie creature in a remote hospital.
The film opens with police officer Daniel Carter finding an injured man on the side of the road and taking him to the local hospital. It soon becomes apparent that the hospital is surrounded by a mysterious cult group that seems to have violent and fanatical intentions. The hospital staff and patients are slowly influenced by dark forces that make their worst nightmares come true. A struggle for survival ensues as the group tries to defeat the cult and the demonic creatures that haunt the hospital.
“The Void” stands out for its disturbing atmosphere and visual effects. The film’s most absurd scenes involve bizarre creatures and disturbing body modifications that push the boundaries of what is physically possible. One of the most impressive scenes shows a human figure surrounded by some kind of tentacled creature that slowly transforms into a grotesque, mutated form. Another scene reveals a disturbing sacrificial ritual in which humans are transformed into monstrous creatures.
The film’s insane ideas also extend to its narratives, as The Void combines various horror elements, including cosmic horror, body horror and occultism. The story is characterised by symbolism and eerie symbols that create a dark and disturbing mood.