The Void

After dropping off a patient at an understaffed hospital, a police officer encounters bizarre and violent incidents connected to a group of mysterious hooded figures.

The Void

Details of 'The Void'

90 minutes
2.35 : 1

About 'The Void'

“The Void” is a 2016 Cana­dian horror film dir­ected by Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski. The story revolves around a small group of people who are besieged by an eerie creature in a remote hos­pital.

The film opens with police officer Daniel Carter finding an injured man on the side of the road and taking him to the local hos­pital. It soon becomes apparent that the hos­pital is sur­rounded by a mys­ter­ious cult group that seems to have violent and fan­at­ical inten­tions. The hos­pital staff and patients are slowly influ­enced by dark forces that make their worst night­mares come true. A struggle for sur­vival ensues as the group tries to defeat the cult and the demonic creatures that haunt the hos­pital.

“The Void” stands out for its dis­turbing atmo­sphere and visual effects. The film’s most absurd scenes involve bizarre creatures and dis­turbing body modi­fic­a­tions that push the bound­aries of what is phys­ic­ally pos­sible. One of the most impressive scenes shows a human figure sur­rounded by some kind of tentacled creature that slowly trans­forms into a grot­esque, mutated form. Another scene reveals a dis­turbing sac­ri­fi­cial ritual in which humans are trans­formed into mon­strous creatures.

The film’s insane ideas also extend to its nar­rat­ives, as The Void com­bines various horror ele­ments, including cosmic horror, body horror and occultism. The story is char­ac­ter­ised by sym­bolism and eerie sym­bols that create a dark and dis­turbing mood.

Random movie quote of 'The Void'

I lost my daughter to the abyss, but tonight I am calling her back.

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