“The Virgin Psychics is a 2015 Japanese film directed by Sion Sono. The plot revolves around a group of young men who suddenly have telekinetic abilities. The film combines comedy, fantasy and romance and takes a humorous and exaggerated approach to the subject of supernatural powers.
The story begins with Yoshiro, a shy and unassuming man who lives with his friends in a small village. One day they discover that they have telekinetic abilities, but only when they are aroused. These abilities are called “virgin senses”, suggesting that they only occur in inexperienced men. The boys use their new powers to play pranks, commit petty crimes and act out their sexual fantasies.
As the film progresses, the boys encounter other women with similar powers, including a group of girls known as “Virgin Marys”. As Yoshiro tries to gain the attention of the pretty Aoi, a rivalry develops between the boys and a group of mischievous men who also have telekinetic abilities.
“The Virgin Psychics” stands out for its crazy ideas and most absurd scenes. For example, there is a scene in which the boys take on a race with a dinosaur and stop it with their telekinetic powers. Another scene shows one of the boys manipulating gravity and levitating the entire village into the air. The characters also have absurd and bizarre powers, such as the ability to shoot pudding out of their hands or cry uncontrollably, creating a rainbow-coloured liquid.
Despite the crazy and over-the-top plot, “The Virgin Psychics” also has a romantic component, with Yoshiro trying to win the heart of Aoi while protecting his friends from the malevolent men. The film also explores themes such as sexuality, identity and dealing with unusual abilities.