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The Killer Robots! Crash and Burn

Rescued from the scrap pile, four fallen robot gladiators become elite mercenaries on a mission to bring enlightenment to a post-apocalyptic universe.

The Killer Robots! Crash and Burn

Details of 'The Killer Robots! Crash and Burn'

United States
100 minutes
1.78 : 1

About 'The Killer Robots! Crash and Burn'

“The Killer Robots! Crash and Burn” is a 2016 sci­ence fic­tion film that tells an absurd and sur­real story about a group of robots. The plot is set in a dysto­pian future where robots are part of everyday life.

The film fol­lows a group of five robots who have dif­ferent per­son­al­ities and abil­ities. How­ever, the robots, known as the “Killer Robots”, are no ordinary machines. They are idio­syn­cratic, eccentric and have a pen­chant for absurd adven­tures.

The film’s storyline is chaotic and jumps from one bizarre situ­ation to the next. The Killer Robots try to prove their exist­ence and rights as arti­fi­cial intel­li­gences. On their journey, they meet various strange char­ac­ters and stumble into absurd situ­ations. In the pro­cess, they develop fur­ther and dis­cover their human qual­ities such as emo­tions, friend­ship and the desire for freedom.

The strength of the film lies in its crazy ideas and the most absurd scenes. For example, there is a scene in which the Killer Robots try to par­ti­cipate in a robot talent show where they com­pete against human con­test­ants. Another scene shows the robots in a crazy dance com­pet­i­tion against a group of aliens. In addi­tion, there are a variety of bizarre sub­plots, such as a robot obsessed with brewing the per­fect cup of coffee, or another trying to write a book about bird­song.

Des­pite its abstruse scenes and absurdly funny humour, the film also offers an under­lying mes­sage about the import­ance of indi­vidu­ality, freedom and the pur­suit of self-determ­in­a­tion. The Killer Robots are more than just machines and fight for their rights and exist­ence.

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