“TAG” is a 2015 Japanese film directed by Sion Sono. The film tells the story of a group of students who are trapped in a seemingly endless game where they have to tag each other in order to survive. The plot takes a bizarre turn as the game becomes increasingly violent and the lines between reality and fantasy blur.
One of the most intriguing aspects of the film is the crazy ideas presented. Sion Sono is known for his unconventional and provocative films, and “TAG” is no exception. Here are some of the crazy ideas that make the film stand out:
The Game of Death: Students are forced to tag each other and whoever is not tagged within a certain time dies. This leads to constant fear and paranoia in the group as each tries to outwit the other and survive.
Supernatural powers: As the film progresses, it is revealed that some of the students have supernatural abilities. Some can teleport, others can transform into animals. These elements add an extra layer of the unbelievable and reinforce the surreal character of the film.
An apocalyptic vision: In the course of the film, a dystopian world is revealed in which the rules of the game are extended to society as a whole. People are controlled by an invisible force and forced to tag each other in order to survive. This absurd and bleak vision offers a socially critical commentary and provides a disturbing atmosphere.
Explicit depictions of violence: “TAG” is an extremely violent film in which the students experience extreme brutality. The scenes of violence are explicit and shocking, making the film a disturbing experience. Sion Sono is not afraid to push the boundaries of taste and depiction of violence to create an intense impact.
“TAG” is a film that is certainly not for everyone with its insane ideas and shocking scenes. Sion Sono shows his creative and artistic vision here and challenges the conventions of film. The film offers a unique blend of horror, fantasy and social criticism and is definitely not for the faint-hearted.