“Stalled” is a horror-comedy that largely takes place in the confines of a ladies’ room. The film tells the story of W.C., a cleaning man trapped in a zombiefied environment in the toilet cubicle during a company Christmas party.
The action picks up when people start turning into bloodthirsty zombies outside in the hallway. W.C. desperately tries to find a way out as he is confronted with the absurd and sometimes disgusting realities of the small space. The audience witnesses a series of hair-raising and crazy scenes that define the character of “Stalled”.
One of the most memorable scenes involves a zombie wedding. W.C. witnesses a zombie couple, complete with wedding dresses, come out of a nearby function room and say their vows in the aisle outside the toilet. The grotesque comedy of this scene comes from the contrast between the cheerful mood of a wedding and the eerie presence of the zombies.
Another remarkable scene is the “zombie baby shower”. A group of zombies gathers in front of the toilet to celebrate the imminent birth of a zombie baby. The absurd situations and the grotesque depictions of the zombies cause a mixture of fear and laughter among the audience.
While W.C. desperately searches for a way out, there are numerous bloody and action-packed confrontations between him and the zombies. In the process, the toilet cubicle becomes a setting for fights and survival strategies. By using improvised weapons such as mops and toilet brushes, W.C. repeatedly manages to fend off the undead attackers and save himself from certain death.