“She Kills” is an American exploitation film from 2016 that deliberately focuses on absurd and ludicrous elements in its plot and scenes. The film’s storyline revolves around Sadie, a young woman who witnesses the brutal murder of her boyfriend. Driven by revenge and an irrepressible thirst for justice, Sadie decides to become a self-proclaimed avenger and bring those responsible for her boyfriend’s death to justice.
As the film progresses, the plot takes a bizarre turn when Sadie is visited by a mysterious deity called “The Bride of the Dead”. The Dead Bride gives Sadie supernatural powers and transforms her into an unstoppable killing machine. Sadie embarks on a bloody quest for revenge as she battles a variety of eccentric villains and grotesque creatures.
The film’s madcap ideas and most absurd scenes are numerous. One of the most remarkable scenes shows Sadie encountering a horde of bikers in a bar, led by a brutal gang leader called “The Blonde Beast”. A fierce battle ensues, with Sadie using acrobatics and violent creativity to mow down her opponents. The action is depicted with exaggerated bloodshed and excessive violence, which underlines the absurd character of the film.
Another highlight of the film is a surreal chase scene in which Sadie chases through the air on a flying motorbike while being pursued by a horde of zombie clowns. The scene is marked by bizarre effects, insane stunts and an absurd mixture of horror and comedy.
“She Kills” relies on a mixture of blood, violence, eroticism and over-the-top acting to provide a trashy exploitation experience. The film deliberately uses the stylistic devices of the B‑movie genre and often crosses the boundaries of good taste. With its absurd plot and hilarious scenes, the film aims to shock the audience and make them laugh in equal measure.