“Sharktopus” is a 2010 science fiction film produced by Roger Corman. The film tells the story of a genetically modified animal that is half shark and half octopus. The action takes place in a coastal town where an unscrupulous scientist has created the Sharktopus for military purposes.
The film stands out for its zany ideas that make it an iconic B‑movie. One of these ideas is, of course, the combination of shark and squid into a single creature. The Sharktopus has the speed and agility of a shark as well as the ability to use its tentacles to catch its prey. This absurd creature is used as a biological weapon in the story, leading to some breathtaking yet silly scenes.
Another example of the film’s madness are the action sequences in which the Sharktopus goes on the hunt. Although the effects are not necessarily up to scratch, the combination of a huge, creepy monster and the victims’ inventive ways of dying provides some entertainment value. The Sharktopus becomes a real threat to the residents of the coastal town, and the suspense comes from the protagonists’ efforts to stop the monster.
Furthermore, the film also features some stereotypical characters that add an extra dose of trash factor. There is the sleazy scientist who created the Sharktopus and now has to face off against his own creature. Then there are the tough heroes who fight the monster with all sorts of improvised weapons. All these characters are rather flat and serve mainly to advance the plot.