
Yoshie and Kikue, a pair of sisters, find themselves ensnared by an enigmatic group that abducts them with a sinister intent to metamorphose them into lethal cyborg assassins.


Details of 'RoboGeisha'

102 minutes
1.85 : 1

About 'RoboGeisha'

“RoboGeisha” is a 2009 Japanese film clas­si­fied in the splat­ter­punk film genre. The film was dir­ected by Noboru Iguchi and tells the story of two sis­ters who enter the world of geishas and are trans­formed into fighting robots.

At first glance, the plot of the film is absurd and exag­ger­ated. “RoboGeisha” presents a variety of insane ideas that are meant to sur­prise and shock the viewer. One of the central ideas is the trans­form­a­tion of geishas into cyborgs equipped with mech­an­ical weapons and deadly abil­ities. These robot geishas are recruited by a secret organ­isa­tion and used to elim­inate polit­ical oppon­ents.

The film is char­ac­ter­ised by its grot­esque and exag­ger­ated depic­tions. For example, the geishas’ body parts are turned into deadly weapons. Some of the crazy ideas that appear in the film are a sword that pro­trudes from a butt, a chest bazooka that can be used to fire pro­jectiles, and a chain that is flung out of the mouth. These absurd weapons give the film a unique and quirky style.

In addi­tion, “RoboGeisha” con­tains a variety of wacky char­ac­ters. Besides the main char­ac­ters, the two sis­ters, there is also a crazy weapons man­u­fac­turer who designs the robot geishas, as well as a masked supervil­lain who wants to con­quer the world. The dia­logue and acting in this film are delib­er­ately over-the-top and add to the absurd atmo­sphere.

Des­pite its crazy ideas and exag­ger­ated por­trayals, “RoboGeisha” also offers a satir­ical com­mentary on cer­tain aspects of Japanese cul­ture. The film par­odies the tra­di­tion of geishas and the idea of fem­in­inity in the Japanese con­text. By com­bining tra­di­tion and tech­no­logy, ste­reo­types are broken down and exag­ger­ated.

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