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A US senator warns the Russian Parliament about corruption, which eventually transforms them into rats as predicted.


Details of 'Ratpocalypse'

United States
88 minutes

About 'Ratpocalypse'

“Rat­po­ca­lypse” is a film from 2015 that tells an absurdly funny story. The plot revolves around a global rat infest­a­tion that threatens the world. The film com­bines ele­ments of sci­ence fic­tion, horror and comedy to create a unique and over-the-top atmo­sphere.

The story begins with an unsuc­cessful writer named Tiberius who seems to have been aban­doned by the muse. His career is at a dead end and he suf­fers from writer’s block. One day his routine is dis­rupted when a giant rat named A.R.I.D. (Arti­fi­cial Rat Intel­li­gence Device) enters his life. A.R.I.D. can talk and claims to be the future of the rat spe­cies.

Tiberius and A.R.I.D. form an unusual alli­ance and decide to save humanity from the rat plague. They assemble a team of eccentric char­ac­ters, including a para­noid sci­entist who claims to under­stand the lan­guage of rats and a mad exterm­in­ator plagued by a rat phobia.

During their mis­sion, they encounter a series of absurd situ­ations and bizarre scenes. Some of the film’s wack­iest ideas and most absurd scenes include an epic rat fight arena in which human volun­teers com­pete against the rats to settle the hier­archy within the rat world. Another mem­or­able scene is a car chase in which Tiberius flees on a skate­board through the rat-infested city.

The film uses the rat infest­a­tion as an excuse to address various social and cul­tural issues in a humorous way. It ques­tions the nature of writing, the rela­tion­ship between humans and animals and the absurdity of some human beha­viours. Des­pite the wacky plot and bizarre scenes, the film man­ages to convey a cer­tain mes­sage and make the viewer think.

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