“Psycho Goreman” is a 2020 horror-comedy film written and directed by Steven Kostanski. The film tells the story of Mimi, a young girl who discovers an alien tyrant called Psycho Goreman (or PG for short) and gains his control over life and death.
The film is notable for its absurd and lunatic ideas that fascinate and shock the viewer in equal measure. One of the first crazy ideas is the existence of PG itself. A powerful alien warrior who has terrorised the universe is suddenly dominated by a little girl. This leads to a series of hilarious yet disturbing scenes in which Mimi exerts her power over PG and forces him to do her bidding.
Furthermore, the film includes a variety of unusual characters, such as the Horror Gang, a group of intergalactic bounty hunters who pursue PG. Each character has their own quirky personality and makes for more absurd situations and dialogue.
Another strange idea of the film is the way PG kills his enemies. With his supernatural sword and superhuman abilities, he wreaks bloody carnage. But instead of focusing on brutal violence, there is an ironic twist: PG kills his victims in absurd and sometimes grotesque ways, such as a dance battle or an eating contest. These absurd ways of death create a contrast to the dark atmosphere of the film and often leave the viewer torn between laughter and fright.