“Planet Terror” is a 2007 horror action film directed by Robert Rodriguez. The film is set in a small town that is afflicted by a mysterious and deadly disease that turns people into bloodthirsty zombies. Amidst the chaos, a group of survivors, including a go-go dancer named Cherry, try to save their lives and fight the zombie horde.
What really sets this film apart is its zany ideas and absurd charm. Rodriguez takes the audience into a world full of madness and horrible creatures. One of the craziest ideas is the protagonist Cherry who, after losing her leg, receives a machine gun prosthesis and thus becomes a dangerous zombie hunter. This unusual combination of a sexy go-go dancer and a deadly weapon is only the beginning of the film’s wacky ideas.
Another highlight is the weird doctor named Dr. William Block, played by a brilliant and insane actor. Dr Block has a terrible plan to control the zombie epidemic by turning the infected people into his guinea pigs. He manipulates their brains to make them docile and use them for his own purposes. This absurd idea adds an extra layer of madness to the film and makes for unpredictable twists.
Another highlight are the spectacular action sequences, filled with exaggerated displays of violence and bloody special effects. Rodriguez deliberately crosses the boundaries of good taste and presents the audience with grotesque and shocking scenes that make the film a true spectacle.