“Nekrotronic” is a 2018 Australian horror-comedy film that presents a mix of dark magic and modern technology. The story revolves around the protagonist, Howard North, who is unwittingly drawn into a hidden world of demon-hunting. Howard is a rubbish man who discovers that he has the ability to fight demons using a special app on his smartphone. He joins a group of so-called “Necromancers” who use this unusual method to protect humanity from the summoned creatures.
The film’s wackiest ideas and most absurd scenes often relate to the bizarre combination of high-tech and occult elements. One particularly weird scene shows Howard and his allies fighting demons while using their smartphones like weapons. The visual effects and depiction of the virtual world are definitely surreal and strange, giving the film a unique style. Another absurd twist is the revelation that demons steal people’s souls over the internet and reside in a kind of “cyber hell”, which echoes the idea of demons in the digital era.
The plot picks up when it becomes apparent that a powerful demon named Finnegan is trying to break the boundary between the real world and the digital world in order to gain immense power. In the process, it becomes clear how deeply the occult forces can interfere with modern technology, leading to tense conflicts. Howard and his team bravely confront Finnegan, using their unconventional skills to save the world from impending danger.