“Meatball Machine Kodoku” is a 2017 Japanese science fiction horror film directed by Yoshihiro Nishimura. The film tells the story of a lonely machine worker named Yoji who finds himself in a dystopian future where parasitic aliens have infiltrated humanity.
The film is characterised by its absurd and crazy ideas, which are a mixture of body horror, splatter effects and black comedy. One of the crazy ideas is the existence of sausages that turn people into violent monsters. These sausages, known as “necro-borgs”, infiltrate people’s bodies and take control of them, creating hideous mutants.
Another crazy idea of the film is the introduction of a kind of sadistic game where humans fight Necro-Borgs to save their own bodies. This bloody battle becomes a spectacle for the audience, who enjoy the whole thing with a certain perversion. Grotesque and exaggerated weapons are used, such as a bladed baseball club.
The film also features a bizarre and sick love story between Yoji and a young woman named Sachiko, both of whom have been infected by the Necro-Borgs. Although they find themselves in a hopeless situation, a strange bond develops between them. However, this relationship is overshadowed by the brutal and violent world they live in.
“Meatball Machine Kodoku” is a film that is definitely not for everyone. It is full of disturbing and vile scenes that go beyond the boundaries of good taste. Director Yoshihiro Nishimura is known for his visual effects and his penchant for gory and shocking performances. The film is a celebration of over-the-top horror and is aimed at an audience that enjoys such extreme cinema.