Mad Heidi

Heidi, a Swiss mountain girl, is kidnapped by ruthless government forces and must battle a cheese-powered hate machine to protect herself and wage war.

Mad Heidi

Details of 'Mad Heidi'

92 minutes

About 'Mad Heidi'

“Mad Heidi” is a satir­ical parody of the classic Swiss home movie and a bizarre mix of action, comedy and horror. The film was pro­duced by the makers of the cult film “Iron Sky” and takes the audi­ence into an altern­ative ver­sion of Switzer­land in which a rebel­lious Heidi plays the leading role.

The action takes place in the majestic Swiss Alps, where the inhab­it­ants of a peaceful moun­tain vil­lage are oppressed by a cor­rupt gov­ern­ment. Heidi, who grew up an orphan and now fights back as a young woman, becomes the leader of a revolu­tion. She is sup­ported by a quirky troupe of char­ac­ters, including her grand­father, a mys­ter­ious yodel­ling master and a sexy moun­tain guide.

As Heidi under­goes her fighter training and improves her hand-to-hand combat skills, tur­bu­lent and bloody con­front­a­tions with gov­ern­ment henchmen ensue. The Swiss Alps become the scene of spec­tac­ular chases, explosive shootouts and bloody battles. Heidi fights not only for her freedom but also for that of her fellow cit­izens as she elim­in­ates the bad guys in her path.

“Mad Heidi” stands out for its over-the-top and absurdist humour. The clichéd ele­ments of the tra­di­tional Swiss home movie are taken to extremes and enriched with modern ele­ments and pop cul­ture ref­er­ences. The dia­logue is ironic, crude and laced with black humour. The film does not take itself ser­i­ously and sur­prises the audi­ence again and again with unex­pected twists.

Visu­ally, “Mad Heidi” impresses with its gran­diose scenery and cre­ative cos­tumes. The cam­er­a­work and editing con­tribute to the rapid nar­rative pace and keep the film’s tempo high. The action scenes are spec­tac­u­larly staged and offer a mix­ture of mar­tial arts, shootouts and brutal fight sequences.

Random movie quote of 'Mad Heidi'

Rest in cheese, bitch!

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