“Mad Heidi” is a satirical parody of the classic Swiss home movie and a bizarre mix of action, comedy and horror. The film was produced by the makers of the cult film “Iron Sky” and takes the audience into an alternative version of Switzerland in which a rebellious Heidi plays the leading role.
The action takes place in the majestic Swiss Alps, where the inhabitants of a peaceful mountain village are oppressed by a corrupt government. Heidi, who grew up an orphan and now fights back as a young woman, becomes the leader of a revolution. She is supported by a quirky troupe of characters, including her grandfather, a mysterious yodelling master and a sexy mountain guide.
As Heidi undergoes her fighter training and improves her hand-to-hand combat skills, turbulent and bloody confrontations with government henchmen ensue. The Swiss Alps become the scene of spectacular chases, explosive shootouts and bloody battles. Heidi fights not only for her freedom but also for that of her fellow citizens as she eliminates the bad guys in her path.
“Mad Heidi” stands out for its over-the-top and absurdist humour. The clichéd elements of the traditional Swiss home movie are taken to extremes and enriched with modern elements and pop culture references. The dialogue is ironic, crude and laced with black humour. The film does not take itself seriously and surprises the audience again and again with unexpected twists.
Visually, “Mad Heidi” impresses with its grandiose scenery and creative costumes. The camerawork and editing contribute to the rapid narrative pace and keep the film’s tempo high. The action scenes are spectacularly staged and offer a mixture of martial arts, shootouts and brutal fight sequences.