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Knights Of Badassdom

LARPers accidentally summon a demon from Hell and must face the consequences.

Knights Of Badassdom

Details of 'Knights Of Badassdom'

United States
86 minutes

About 'Knights Of Badassdom'

“Knights of Badassdom” is a horror-comedy that tells the story of a group of live-action role-players (LARPers) who are drawn into a super­nat­ural adven­ture. The main char­acter, Joe, is a hap­less thirty-some­thing who reg­u­larly par­ti­cip­ates in epic LARP battles with his best friend Eric and a few other friends.

One day they dis­cover an old book with occult sym­bols and decide to use it at their next LARP event to spice up the game. In the pro­cess, how­ever, they dis­cover that the book is actu­ally magical and acci­dent­ally summon a demon called Abominog. This demon begins to actu­ally kill the LARP players and the group must now fight for their sur­vival.

The film is not­able for its absurd ideas and bizarre scenes. Some of the mad ideas include a heavy metal singer trying to defeat the demon with his music and a char­acter who mis­takenly thinks he is invul­ner­able, which leads to some hil­arious moments. Another absurd scene is when the LARPers take a lot of drugs to be braver, which leads to a number of crazy beha­viours. Moreover, there is a dwarf char­acter who refuses to get out of his cos­tume even when threatened by the demon.

The film skil­fully plays with the clichés of the LARP genre and par­odies them in a humorous way. The char­ac­ters, who nor­mally act out their fantasy, are put into a real, dan­gerous situ­ation and have to learn to behave like real heroes. In the pro­cess, not only the char­ac­ters but also the con­ven­tions of the genre itself are taken for a ride.

Random movie quote of 'Knights Of Badassdom'

'Tis a cruel act of the gods to waste such a sweet backside on such a filthy beast.

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