Hardcore Henry

Hardcore Henry: A resurrected cyborg battles a telekinetic tyrant in Moscow to rescue his wife, with the help of his ally Jimmy.

Hardcore Henry

Details of 'Hardcore Henry'

96 minutes
1.85 : 1

About 'Hardcore Henry'

“Hard­core Henry” is an action-packed film that takes the audi­ence on an adren­aline-fuelled roller­coaster ride. The story takes place from the sub­jective per­spective of Henry, a cyborg sol­dier who is reawakened after an assas­sin­a­tion attempt on him and must now fight without memory or the ability to speak. In search of his kid­napped wife Estelle, who was abducted by the ruth­less Akan, Henry plunges into a deadly adven­ture full of action, viol­ence and unpre­dict­able twists.

The film fea­tures a unique style in which all the action is filmed from Henry’s eyes. This cre­ates an immersive exper­i­ence for the audi­ence, who feel as if they are right there in the action sequences. The cam­er­a­work is frantic and shaky, giving the film a doc­u­mentary feel.

One of the most absurd scenes in the film is undoubtedly the fight against a heavily armed robot called “Slick Dmitry”. In a breath­taking show­down, Henry fights this huge opponent while bal­an­cing on the roof of a sky­scraper. The action sequence is peppered with a mul­ti­tude of explo­sions and hails of bul­lets that are sure to leave the audi­ence speech­less.

Another not­able moment is the appear­ance of Jimmy, an uncon­ven­tional char­acter who is always at Henry’s side. Jimmy is a mer­cenary with a strange talent – he can remove his limbs and replace them with weapons. This absurd idea leads to a series of hil­arious scenes in which Jimmy uses his detach­able body parts to assist Henry in battle. It’s a mix of comedy and action that adds to the film in a unique way.

Another high­light of the film is the final con­front­a­tion between Henry and Akan. The two engage in an epic battle in an under­ground labor­atory that is a matter of life and death. Akan shows off his super­nat­ural powers, while Henry uses all his abil­ities to save his wife and seek revenge. The action is intense and bloody, making the film par­tic­u­larly appealing to lovers of the genre.

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You're half machine, half pussy!

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