The film “Freaks of Nature” is a horro-comedic science fiction story set in a small town where humans, vampires and zombies live together peacefully. Director Robbie Pickering presents a crazy mix of elements of horror film, comedy and teen drama.
The plot of the film revolves around the students Dag, Ned and Petra who live in the town of Dillford. In a world where humans, vampires and zombies co-exist, a sudden outbreak occurs that turns the townspeople into bloodthirsty monsters. When the three friends find out that an alien invasion is behind it, they must join forces with some unusual allies to save the day and save their hometown from destruction.
The film is full of crazy ideas and surprises. One of the crazy ideas is the idea of a world where humans, vampires and zombies live in a fragile coexistence. The town of Dillford is a bizarre universe where high school drama, teenage romance and bloodthirsty creatures collide. Another bizarre element of the film is the fact that the people of Dillford have accepted vampires and zombies as part of their society. This leads to absurd situations and amusing dialogues between the different species.
Another crazy idea is the alien invasion that throws the town into chaos. The aliens plan to destroy humanity and take over the city for themselves. The way the aliens are integrated into the film is absurd and entertaining in equal measure. They take the form of humans in order to be able to operate unnoticed among the city’s inhabitants. This adds an extra layer of mystery and suspense.
“Freaks of Nature” is a mad mix of genres and ideas that has an idiosyncratic charm. The film turns the conventions of horror, comedy and teen dramas on their head and offers the viewer a unique experience. The actors deliver solid performances and the visual effects help support the absurd atmosphere.