“Flesh Gordon” is a parody of science fiction and erotic films of the 1930s and 1940s. The film tells the adventurous story of the titular hero, Flesh Gordon, who must save the world from the sexual attacks of the vicious alien Emperor Wang and his army.
The film is notable for its absurd and over-the-top humour. One of the most iconic scenes is the “Orgasmatron” sequence, in which Flesh Gordon and his companion Dale Ardor sit in a rocket and can fly with the power of their orgasms. This scene is a clear allusion to the sexual liberation movement of the 1960s.
Another crazy idea in the film is the “Pleasure Room”, a room full of people experiencing ecstasy through various sexual activities. Here, numerous sexual preferences and fetishes are parodied.
Another striking moment is the encounter with the king of the sex robots, who kidnaps Dale Ardor and tries to seduce her. Flesh Gordon must stand up to an army of robots and rescue Dale.
Another absurd scene is the confrontation with the “Penisaurus”, a huge dinosaur with an enormous sex expression. Flesh Gordon and his companions must fight and defeat the creature in order to progress.
The film’s visual effects are deliberately cheap, parodying the often poor quality of science fiction films of the time. The dialogue is deliberately crude and vulgar to emphasise the humorous nature of the film.
Overall, “Flesh Gordon” is an absurd and provocative film that plays with sexual innuendo, exaggerated depictions and absurd ideas. Although the film was controversial due to its explicit depictions, it developed a certain cult status over time and is considered by some to be one of the craziest and most entertaining parodies of the genre.