“Fist of Jesus” is a 2012 Spanish short film known as a parodic mix of horror, comedy and splatter film. Written and directed by David Muñoz and Adrián Cardona, the film tells the story of Jesus and his faithful companion Judas, who encounter a series of absurdly violent adventures.
The plot of the film revolves around Jesus healing people and performing miracles, but his miraculous power is unwittingly used by his followers to raise Lazarus from the dead. But unfortunately something goes wrong and Lazarus turns into a flesh-eating zombie. Jesus and Judas suddenly find themselves in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and have to fight an army of undead.
“Fist of Jesus” stands out for its completely absurd and exaggerated ideas. One of the most iconic scenes in the film is when Jesus tries to fight the zombie infestation with fish by throwing them at the undead and turning them into fried chicken. However, this act of transformation leads to further disaster when the surrounding people eat the zombie chicken meat and turn into zombies themselves.
Another striking scene is the showdown between Jesus and a horde of zombies, where he preaches a sermon to his followers while at the same time fighting with weapons such as a whip and a cross. This combination of religious symbols and brutal scenes of violence gives the film a strange and disturbing atmosphere.
“Fist of Jesus” is certainly not a film for all tastes, but it will be appreciated by fans of B‑movie horror and absurd humour. The film is an ironic and often tasteless homage to the genre of the zombie film and offers an abundance of bloody splatter effects and black-humoured moments. Although provocative in its plot and presentation, the film can also be seen as a satirical examination of religion and the way religious stories are told.
You can watch the full short movie “Fist of Jesus” for free on the official Fist of Jesus YouTube channel.