Exte: Hair Extensions

Beware the treacherous allure of hair extensions that turn against their wearers, unleashing a deadly vengeance.

Exte: Hair Extensions

Details of 'Exte: Hair Extensions'

108 minutes
1.85 : 1

About 'Exte: Hair Extensions'

“Exte: Hair Exten­sions” is a 2007 Japanese horror film dir­ected by Sion Sono. The film revolves around the sub­ject of hair exten­sions and develops into a dis­turbing story about mad­ness and the grot­esque con­sequences of greed.

The plot of “Exte: Hair Exten­sions” focuses on Yamazaki, a police officer invest­ig­ating the mys­ter­ious death of a young woman. During the autopsy, he dis­covers that she has an unusu­ally long hair exten­sion. The hair has an uncanny prop­erty: it con­tinues to grow even after the woman’s body has died. The hair is even­tu­ally found by Yamaza­ki’s sister, a hairdresser named Yuko, and sold in her salon.

The film’s madcap ideas pick up speed as the hair exten­sions inex­plic­ably come to life and take on a macabre power. The hair develops a life of its own, moving on its own and attacking people. It becomes a deadly threat that grows inex­or­ably and claims more and more vic­tims.

The grot­esque ideas of the film are numerous and con­tribute to the dis­turbing atmo­sphere. Among other things, people are strangled by the hair, it enters body ori­fices and kills its vic­tims in a grue­some way. There are scenes where people are lit­er­ally over­whelmed by hair while others try to cut or con­trol the hair to defend them­selves.

Another crazy aspect of the film is people’s greed for the hair exten­sions. Yuko and her boss ruth­lessly pursue the goal of selling the hair exten­sions without real­ising the con­sequences. The greed for profit and the dis­regard for the poten­tial dangers lead to an escal­a­tion of the situ­ation and put the lives of many people at risk.

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