“Exte: Hair Extensions” is a 2007 Japanese horror film directed by Sion Sono. The film revolves around the subject of hair extensions and develops into a disturbing story about madness and the grotesque consequences of greed.
The plot of “Exte: Hair Extensions” focuses on Yamazaki, a police officer investigating the mysterious death of a young woman. During the autopsy, he discovers that she has an unusually long hair extension. The hair has an uncanny property: it continues to grow even after the woman’s body has died. The hair is eventually found by Yamazaki’s sister, a hairdresser named Yuko, and sold in her salon.
The film’s madcap ideas pick up speed as the hair extensions inexplicably come to life and take on a macabre power. The hair develops a life of its own, moving on its own and attacking people. It becomes a deadly threat that grows inexorably and claims more and more victims.
The grotesque ideas of the film are numerous and contribute to the disturbing atmosphere. Among other things, people are strangled by the hair, it enters body orifices and kills its victims in a gruesome way. There are scenes where people are literally overwhelmed by hair while others try to cut or control the hair to defend themselves.
Another crazy aspect of the film is people’s greed for the hair extensions. Yuko and her boss ruthlessly pursue the goal of selling the hair extensions without realising the consequences. The greed for profit and the disregard for the potential dangers lead to an escalation of the situation and put the lives of many people at risk.