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Cute Little Buggers

When hostile aliens crash land on a local farm, the villagers grow suspicious as young women start disappearing. They rally around their hero, Melchoir, to defend their countryside and restore peace.

Cute Little Buggers

Details of 'Cute Little Buggers'

United Kingdom
108 minutes
2.35 : 1

About 'Cute Little Buggers'

“Cute Little Bug­gers” is a horror-comedy film that revolves around a twisted tale in which bun­nies mutate into dan­gerous and bloodthirsty creatures. The plot begins in an idyllic Eng­lish vil­lage pre­paring for the annual Easter fest­ival.

The inhab­it­ants of the vil­lage are excited about the upcoming fest­iv­ities and have no idea that they will soon be con­fronted with an inva­sion of mutated bun­nies. A group of aliens known as the Crites decide to use Earth’s bun­nies as a food source. They implant the bun­nies with eggs that explode when fer­til­ised, turning the animals into bloodthirsty mon­sters.

The story picks up speed when the vil­la­gers notice the absurd and increas­ingly dan­gerous events. The mutated rab­bits begin to bite wildly and attack everything in their path. The people must now fight for their sur­vival and deal with the bizarre effects of these creatures.

One of the film’s madcap ideas is that the hares have a strange attrac­tion to humans. They release pher­omones that sexu­ally arouse both men and women, leading to bizarre encoun­ters. This makes for addi­tional absurd and com­ical scenes as the vil­la­gers try to keep their libidos under con­trol while escaping the mutant bun­nies.

Some of the most absurd scenes in the film include a chase through the vil­lage where the rab­bits attack the vil­la­gers and spread chaos. There is also a scene in which a man tries to fight a hare with a hoover and gets into a com­ical situ­ation. Another scene shows a group of vil­la­gers trying to dis­tract a horde of rab­bits with car­rots, res­ulting in a chaotic and funny scene.

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