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On Prom night, a peaceful coastal town is besieged by a swarm of deadly crab monsters, leaving its residents in peril. The fate of the town rests in the hands of an unlikely group of outcasts who must come together to thwart the menacing creatures and save the day.


Details of 'Crabs!'

United States
80 minutes

About 'Crabs!'

The film “Crabs!” by Pierce Ber­olzheimer, released in 2021, is set in a peaceful coastal town pre­paring for the annual Prom Night. As is typ­ical for teen­agers, the local youths devote them­selves to the usual activ­ities such as partying, smoking pot and gaining exper­i­ence with the opposite sex.

How­ever, the idyll of the little town is upset when a swarm of horse­shoe crabs, mutated by radio­activity, over­runs the vil­lage. These creatures are extremely vora­cious and pose a threat to the inhab­it­ants. Amidst the chaos, cre­ative geek Phil, played by Dylan Riley Snyder (of “Karate Chops” fame), feels called to counter the inva­sion with his inven­tions.

Phil joins forces with his friends and they decide to take up the fight against the mutated crabs. Using his engin­eering skills and ingenuity, Phil develops innov­ative devices to stand up to the creatures. Together they pre­pare for a heroic battle to reclaim their hometown.

While the film cap­tures the ten­sion and thrill of an epic con­front­a­tion between the teen­agers and the mutant horse­shoe crabs, it also shows the char­ac­ters’ per­sonal devel­op­ments and rela­tion­ships. Phil and his friends not only have to fight the alien creatures, but also come to terms with their own fears and insec­ur­ities.

“Crabs!” offers a mix­ture of action, comedy and teen drama. Dir­ector Pierce Ber­olzheimer man­ages to bal­ance the threat of the crabs with the human aspects of the story. The film deals with themes such as cohe­sion, self-con­fid­ence and the courage to face one’s own fears.

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