“Bubba the Redneck Werewolf is a 2014 horror comedy based on the comic strip of the same name by Mitch Hyman. The film is about Bubba, a likeable but somewhat simple-minded redneck from the small town of Broken Taint, who sells his soul to the devil in order to win back his dream girl.
When he finds out he has been turned into a werewolf, he must learn to use his new powers to save the town from evil, which manifests itself in the form of a wealthy real estate developer named Sidney Swine who wants to turn the town into a commercial Disneyland.
“Bubba the Redneck Werewolf” is a whimsical and gory horror-comedy that contains many pop culture and Southern Gothic references and pays homage to classic werewolf films such as “An American Werewolf in London” and “The Howling”.