“Blubberella” is a bizarre film from 2011 that was conceived as a parody of the superhero genre. Director Uwe Boll presents us here with an absurd story that is bursting with inventiveness and insane ideas.
The film revolves around the titular character “Blubberella”, an overweight vampire woman who fights against the Nazis in World War II. The plot is characterised by absurd situations and bizarre characters. Blubberella, played by Lindsay Hollister, is an anti-heroic protagonist who provides numerous laughs through her clumsiness and awkward behaviour.
One of the film’s mad ideas is the portrayal of Adolf Hitler, who is presented here as a megalomaniac and ridiculous villain. He is embodied by Uwe Boll himself and delivers a shrill and over-the-top performance. Another crazy idea is the inclusion of time travel, where Blubberella is sent to different historical eras to compete against the Nazis in a whimsical way.
Besides these ideas, humour also plays a central role in “Blubberella”. The film uses a mixture of slapstick, black humour and absurd dialogues. The jokes are often crude and politically incorrect, which makes the film a matter of taste. While some viewers may find the humour refreshingly offbeat, others may find it distasteful and disrespectful.
Visually, the film is an explosion of over-the-top effects and trashy design. The sets look cheap and artificial, but this is intentional to enhance the trash factor. The action sequences are also overdrawn and chaotically staged, which underlines the cinematic style of “Blubberella”.