“Bloody Knuckles” is a blackly humorous film that tells a whimsical story of revenge, obsession and unconventional art. The plot revolves around Travis, a comic book artist who runs a regular column called “Bloody Knuckles”. In his column, he takes on controversial topics and personalities in a satirical and critical way. One day, however, he attacks the wrong man: a ruthless underworld boss named Leonard. In revenge, Leonard chops off Travis’ hand and has it eaten by a hungry dog.
But instead of getting discouraged, Travis develops a bizarre obsession for his severed hand. He decides to use it as a tool of revenge and artistic expression. He designs a prosthetic in the form of a metal fist equipped with a relentless chainsaw mechanism. With this unusual weapon, he launches himself into a bloody campaign against Leonard and his henchmen.
The film “Bloody Knuckles” is famous for its crazy ideas and absurdly exaggerated scenes. One such scene involves Travis’s severed hand, armed with a giant scalpel, developing a desire for revenge on its own. Another scene shows Travis teaming up with a wrestling character who has a masochistic penchant for pain and mutilates his own body during matches.
Furthermore, Travis encounters a mysterious group of underground artists who live out their art in highly unconventional ways. They stage a performance in which they splash paint on their own body parts and experience a veritable frenzy of absurdity.
The film’s most absurd scenes are characterised by a mixture of black humour, violent confrontations and a multitude of macabre depictions. The film deliberately pulls out all the stops to go beyond the boundaries of good taste and take the viewer into a world of absurd chaos.