Bloody Knuckles

A severed hand, a comic artist, a gay superhero, and a vengeful quest against a crime lord. Bloody, crude, and in-your-face comedy ensues.

Bloody Knuckles

Details of 'Bloody Knuckles'

85 minutes
1.85 : 1

About 'Bloody Knuckles'

“Bloody Knuckles” is a blackly humorous film that tells a whim­sical story of revenge, obses­sion and uncon­ven­tional art. The plot revolves around Travis, a comic book artist who runs a reg­ular column called “Bloody Knuckles”. In his column, he takes on con­tro­ver­sial topics and per­son­al­ities in a satir­ical and crit­ical way. One day, how­ever, he attacks the wrong man: a ruth­less under­world boss named Leonard. In revenge, Leonard chops off Travis’ hand and has it eaten by a hungry dog.

But instead of get­ting dis­cour­aged, Travis develops a bizarre obses­sion for his severed hand. He decides to use it as a tool of revenge and artistic expres­sion. He designs a pros­thetic in the form of a metal fist equipped with a relent­less chainsaw mech­anism. With this unusual weapon, he launches him­self into a bloody cam­paign against Leonard and his henchmen.

The film “Bloody Knuckles” is famous for its crazy ideas and absurdly exag­ger­ated scenes. One such scene involves Trav­is’s severed hand, armed with a giant scalpel, devel­oping a desire for revenge on its own. Another scene shows Travis teaming up with a wrest­ling char­acter who has a mas­ochistic pen­chant for pain and mutil­ates his own body during matches.

Fur­ther­more, Travis encoun­ters a mys­ter­ious group of under­ground artists who live out their art in highly uncon­ven­tional ways. They stage a per­form­ance in which they splash paint on their own body parts and exper­i­ence a ver­it­able frenzy of absurdity.

The film’s most absurd scenes are char­ac­ter­ised by a mix­ture of black humour, violent con­front­a­tions and a mul­ti­tude of macabre depic­tions. The film delib­er­ately pulls out all the stops to go beyond the bound­aries of good taste and take the viewer into a world of absurd chaos.

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