Big Man Japan

Daisato, a clumsy third-gen superhero, disturbs neighbors with noise and damage. Battling monsters and a pushy agent, he copes with his ailing superhero granddad, a fame-hungry family, and his own ineptitude.

Big Man Japan

Details of 'Big Man Japan'

113 minutes
1.85 : 1

About 'Big Man Japan'

“Big Man Japan” is a 2007 Japanese mock­u­mentary film written, dir­ected and acted by Hitoshi Mat­sumoto. The plot revolves around an unusual super­hero named Masaru Daisato, who has the ability to trans­form into a gigantic being to pro­tect his city from mon­strous creatures.

The film’s storyline fol­lows a pseudo-doc­u­mentary style, giving the audi­ence a glimpse into Daisato’s unusual life. As Big Man Japan, he is the heir to a long-standing family tra­di­tion, but unlike classic super­heroes, he suf­fers from a lack of pop­ularity and recog­ni­tion. The plot revolves around his attempts to improve his repu­ta­tion and restore the dwind­ling import­ance of his pro­fes­sion.

The film stands out for its madcap ideas and absurd scenes. Some of the not­able moments include:

  1. Mon­ster fights in mini­ature: Envir­on­mental and budget con­straints lead to the epic battles between Big Man Japan and the mon­sters being depicted in mini­ature, res­ulting in com­ic­ally over­sized and sur­real battles.
  2. Curious mon­ster designs: The mon­sters Big Man Japan fights are unusu­ally and bizar­rely designed – from a giant man with an elec­tro­therapy device attached to his head to a cat-like creature with a human face.
  3. Family prob­lems and awk­ward inter­views: The film also shows Daisato’s per­sonal life, including his dif­fi­cult rela­tion­ship with his family and the bizarre inter­views with his dis­ap­pointed man­ager and other experts.
  4. The need for elec­tric shocks: In order to trans­form into Big Man Japan, Daisato must suffer elec­tric shocks from giant elec­tric poles, leading to awk­ward and hil­arious scenes.

Overall, Big Man Japan is an ori­ginal and quirky mix of super­hero film and mock­u­mentary that provides mem­or­able and often humorous moments with its uncon­ven­tional approach and absurd ele­ments. The film skil­fully plays with the con­ven­tions of the genre and offers a unique per­spective on super­heroism.

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